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Using the vernier calipers

The precision of length measurements may be increased by using a device that uses a sliding vernier scale. Two such instruments that are based on a vernier scale which you will use in the laboratory to measure lengths of objects are the vernier callipers and the micrometer screw gauge. These instruments have a main scale (in millimetres) and a sliding or rotating vernier scale. For example, the vernier scale (below) is divided into 10 equal divisions and thus the least count of the instrument is 0.1 mm. Both the main scale and the vernier scale readings are taken into account while making a measurement. The main scale reading is the first reading on the main scale immediately to the left of the zero of the vernier scale (3 mm), while the vernier scale reading is the mark on the vernier scale which exactly coincides with a mark on the main scale (0.7 mm). The reading is therefore 3.7 mm.
The vernier calipers found in the laboratory incorporates a main scale and a sliding vernier scale which allows readings to the nearest 0.02 mm. This instrument may be used to measure outer dimensions of objects (using the main jaws), inside dimensions (using the smaller jaws at the top), and depths (using the stem).
To measure outer dimensions of an object, the object is placed between the jaws, which are then moved together until they secure the object. The screw clamp may then be tightened to ensure that the reading does not change while the scale is being read.
The first significant figures are read immediately to the left of the zero of the vernier scale and the remaining digits are taken as the vernier scale division that lines up with any main scale division.
Some examples:
Note that the important region of the vernier scale is enlarged in the upper right hand corner of each figure.
For examble, the first significant figures are taken as the main scale reading to the left of the vernier zero, i.e. 37 mm. The remaining two digits are taken from the vernier scale reading that lines up with any main scale reading, i.e. 46 on the vernier scale. Thus the reading is 37.46 mm.

If he first significant figures are taken as the main scale reading to the left of the vernier zero, i.e. 34 mm. The remaining two digits are taken from the vernier scale reading that lines up with any main scale reading, i.e. 60 on the vernier scale. Note that the zero must be included because the scale can differentiate between fiftieths of a millimetre. Therefore the reading is 34.60 mm.
If the zero and the ten on the vernier scale both line up with main scale readings,therefore the reading is 40.00 cm.