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How to Read Vernier (English)?

How to read the English version of vernier calipers correctly? Here are some useful tips. For the vernier calipers, the bar is graduated into twentieths of an inch (.050"). Every second division represents a tenth of an inch and is numbered. The Vernier plate is divided into fifty parts and numbered 0, 5,10,15, 20, 25, . . .45, 50.The fifty divisions on the Vernier plate occupy the same space as forty-nine divisions on the bar.
The difference between the width of one of the fifty spaces on the Vernier plate and one of the forty-nine spaces on the bar is therefore 1/1000 of an inch (1/50 of 1/20). If the tool is set so that the 0 line on the Vernier plate coincides with the 0 line on the bar, the line to the right of the 0 on the Vernier plate will differ from the line to the right of the 0 on the bar Pg. 28-29 by 1/1000; the second line by 2/1000 and so on. The difference will continue to increase 1/1000 of an inch for each division until the 50 on the Vernier coincides with the line 49 on the steel rule.
When you read the tool, you should note how many inches, tenths (or .100) and twentieths (or .050) the 0 mark on the slide Vernier is from the 0 mark on the bar.
Then you should note the number of divisions on the slide Vernier from the 0 to a line which exactly coincides with a line on the bar.
For instance, the Vernier plate has been moved to the right one and four tenths and one twentieth inches (1.450), as shown on the bar and the fourteenth line on the slide Vernier exactly coincides with a line, as indicated on the illustration above. Fourteen thousandths of an inch are, therefore, to be added to the reading on the bar and the total reading is one and four hundred and sixty-four thousandths inches (1.464).